Like many agile teams, we use a set of principles to articulate our goals, encourage consistency and help us create an experience that is unique, owned and 100% M&S.

To coincide with the recent new brand introduction, it feels like an appropriate time to share ours.

We innovate through simple problem solving*

*i.e. we don’t innovate through bad uses of technology (simple solutions are usually best)

We innovate the customer experience through removing complexity from the shopping journey and using features and technology appropriately.

We design Intuitive interfaces that follow established patterns*

*i.e. we don’t ‘break the rules’ for the sake of it

We follow proven patterns and metaphors to create an experience that our customers immediately understand and feel confident with.

We create a premium brand experience for all*

*i.e. we place importance on an elegant visual design

We design an interface that shows off our products and brand in the best possible way and that our customers can aspire to.

We believe consistency leads to confidence*

*i.e. We don’t design device / platform specific experiences

Each principle is under-pinned through a consistent experience across all devices and applications.

We are supportive but not patronising*

*i.e. We anticipate our customer’s needs and offer an appropriate level of guidance

We support through simple design matched with clear signposting and contextual help.

Our principles are alive and evolving. Have a suggestion, or a comment? Please let us know.


Now read this

There is no such thing as UX Design

Controversial statement? Yes, also a stolen statement - taken from a recent excellent article by Peter Merholtz on the origins of ‘UX’ design and why it is not relevant to burden a single team with the label ‘UX’ anymore. You can’t... Continue →